16th October 2024

Search Lutterworth Town Council

Serving the people of Lutterworth


Harborough District Council is the local Planning Authority and they have full powers when considering planning applications.

Lutterworth Town Council is one of many organisations consulted on all applications falling within the parish boundary. These are considered at the Planning Meetings which are usually held once a month. This committee reviews all sites and scrutinises the plans for every application. Its comments are then passed to HDC for their deliberations. They may take them on board or disregard as they see fit. Members of the public are entitled to attend our Planning Meetings and the Chairman will normally allow them to speak.

For residents, you must be aware of the Conservation Area as this imposes further restrictions should your property be located within it. There are also a large number of trees with TPOs (Tree Preservation Orders) and you should check with HDC before you carry out any work on a tree within the town.

See the main Planning page for latest applications.

Last updated: Fri, 28 Oct 2016 13:31