16th October 2024

Search Lutterworth Town Council

Serving the people of Lutterworth

Lutterworth Town Councillors by Ward:

A-Z of Parish Wards by street name:

Acacia Avenue Brookfield Ward
Alder Crescent Orchard Ward
Alexander Drive Orchard Ward
Allfrey Close Brookfield Ward
Almond Way Brookfield Ward
Ashleigh Drive Brookfield Ward
Aspen Way Brookfield Ward
Attlee Close Orchard Ward
Avery Close Orchard Ward
Azalea Close Brookfield Ward

Baker Street Springs Ward
Bank Street Springs Ward
Beamont Close Swift Ward
Beech Avenue Brookfield Ward
Bell Street Springs Ward
Betony Close Swift Ward
Bitteswell Road (part) Brookfield Ward
Bitteswell Road (part) Springs Ward
Bitteswell Road (part) Swift Ward
Blackthorn Close Brookfield Ward
Blakenhall Drive Brookfield Ward
Bluebell Place Swift Ward
Boundary Road Springs Ward
Broadleaf Road Brookfield Ward
Brook Land Brookfield Ward
Brookfield Way Brookfield Ward
Burrough Way Swift Ward
Burton Close Springs Ward
Buttercup Close Swift Ward
Byron Close Swift Ward

Canada Fields Swift Ward
Carlson Gardens Springs Ward
Carlson Terrace Springs Ward
Cedar Avenue Brookfield Ward
Central Avenue Swift Ward
Cherrytree Avenue Orchard Ward
Cheshire Close Orchard Ward
Chestnut Avenue Orchard Ward
Church Close Springs Ward
Church Gate Springs Ward
Church Street Springs Ward
Churchill Close Orchard Ward
Coach House Mews Springs Ward
Conifer Close Brookfield Ward
Coppice Drive Brookfield Ward
Copse Close Brookfield Ward
Council Street Springs Ward
Coventry Road (part) Orchard Ward
Coventry Road (part) Springs Ward
Cowslip Court Swift Ward
Crescent Road Swift Ward
Cunningham Drive Orchard Ward
Canada Fields Swift Ward
Carlson Gardens Springs Ward
Carlson Terrace Springs Ward
Cedar Avenue Brookfield Ward
Central Avenue Swift Ward
Cherrytree Avenue Orchard Ward
Cheshire Close Orchard Ward
Chestnut Avenue Orchard Ward
Church Close Springs Ward
Church Gate Springs Ward
Church Street Springs Ward
Churchill Close Orchard Ward
Coach House Mews Springs Ward
Conifer Close Brookfield Ward
Coppice Drive Brookfield Ward
Copse Close Brookfield Ward
Council Street Springs Ward
Coventry Road (part) Orchard Ward
Coventry Road (part) Springs Ward
Cowslip Court Swift Ward
Crescent Road Swift Ward
Cunningham Drive Orchard Ward

Dale Close Brookfield Ward
Deverdon Road Orchard Ward
Daisy Close Swift Ward
Dempsey Close Swift Ward
Denbigh Place Swift Ward
Dennis David Close Swift Ward
Douglas Bader Drive Swift Ward
Drage Close Swift Ward
Dunley Way Swift Ward
Dyson Close Swift Ward

Elm Avenue Orchard Ward
Elmhurst Road Orchard Ward

Farm Field Close Springs Ward
Farringdon Avenue Springs Ward
Feilding Way Swift Ward
Fern Road Brookfield Ward
Ferrers Road Orchard Ward
Firtree Avenue Orchard Ward
Forsythia Close Brookfield Ward
Foxfield Close Springs Ward

Gale Close Swift Ward
George Street Springs Ward
Gibson Way Orchard Ward
Gilmorton Road Springs Ward
Gladstone Street Springs Ward
Gloster Road Swift Ward
Golf View Rise Orchard Ward
Goscote Drive Springs Ward
Greenacres Drive (part) Brookfield Ward
Greenacres Drive (part) Orchard Ward
Guthlaxton Avenue Springs Ward

Harebell Court Swift Ward
Hazel Drive Brookfield Ward
High Street Springs Ward
Hill Drive Springs Ward
Holly Drive (part) Brookfield Ward
Holly Drive (part) Orchard Ward
Holmfield Close Orchard Ward
Honeysuckle Close Brookfield Ward
Hunters Drive Orchard Ward


Jasmine Close Brookfield Ward
Javelin Close Swift Ward
Johnnie Johnson Drive Swift Ward
Juniper Close Brookfield Ward

Kingsway Orchard Ward
Ken MacKenzie Close Swift Ward

Laburnum Avenue Brookfield Ward
Lacey Close Swift Ward
Lancaster Close Springs Ward
Larch Drive Brookfield Ward
Lavender Close Brookfield Ward
Leaders Way Orchard Ward
Leicester Road Swift Ward
Leyton Close Springs Ward
Lilac Drive Brookfield Ward
Linden Drive Orchard Ward
Lower Leicester Road Springs Ward

Macaulay Road Swift Ward
Magnolia Drive Brookfield Ward
Manio Crescent Orchard Ward
Maple Drive Brookfield Ward
Marigold Close Swift Ward
Market Street Springs Ward
Marlborough Place Springs Ward
Marylebone Drive Springs Ward
Maxwell Way Swift Ward
Mariton Road Orchard Ward
Meteor Drive Swift Ward
Mill Grove Springs Ward
Misterton Way Springs Ward
Montgomery Close Orchard Ward
Moorbarns Lane Orchard Ward
Mountbatten Way Orchard Ward
Mulberry Close Brookfield Ward

New Street Springs Ward
Newall Close Springs Ward
Noble Close Swift Ward

Oakfield Avenue Orchard Ward
Orange Hill Springs Ward
Orchard Road Orchard Ward

Page Close Swift Ward
Palisade Close Orchard Ward
Palmer Drive Orchard Ward
Park Road Brookfield Ward
Pear Tree Close Brookfield Ward
Pine Close Brookfield Ward
Popular Avenue Orchard Ward
Poppy Road Swift Ward
Primrose Close Swift Ward


Ramsey Close Springs Ward
Regent Street Springs Ward
Riverside Road Springs Ward
Robinia Close Brookfield Ward
Rowan Drive Orchard Ward
Rugby Road (part) Orchard Ward
Rugby Road (part) Springs Ward
Ryderway Orchard Ward
Rye Hill Avenue Springs Ward

Shelley Drive Swift Ward
Sherrier Way Swift Ward
Spencer Road Springs Ward
Spring Close Springs Ward
Spruce Way Brookfield Ward
St John Close Orchard Ward
St Mary's Road(part) Orchard Ward
St Mary's Road(part) Springs Ward
Station Road Springs Ward
Stoney Hollow Springs Ward
Swiftway Swift Ward
Sycamore Drive Brookfield Ward

Teddar Close Orchard Ward
The Cutchell Springs Ward
The Hawthorns Brookfield Ward
Tennyson Road Swift Ward
Townend Close Orchard Ward


Valley Close Brookfield Ward
Vedonis Road (part) Springs Ward
Vedonis Road (part) Swift Ward

Walker Manor Court Springs Ward
Watling Street Orchard Ward
West View Lane Brookfield Ward
Wheeler Close (part) Orchard Ward
Wheeler Close (part) Springs Ward
Whittle Road Orchard Ward
Wiclif Way Swift Ward
Willowtree Crescent Orchard Ward
Woodbine Crescent Springs Ward
Woodbrig Close Orchard Ward
Woodlea Avenue Brookfield Ward
Woodmarket (part) Orchard Ward
Woodmarket (part) Springs Ward
Woodway Road Orchard Ward
Wycliffe Terrace Springs Ward


Yew Tree Close Brookfield Ward


Last updated: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 10:19